Business Council of British Columbia

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Federal Election Economic Policy Primer

British Columbians and the rest of the country go to the polls on October 19. In voting, they will help to set the course for the nation’s economy in 2016 and over the rest of the decade. In this pre-election briefing document, we outline some of the BC business community’s priority issues, both for the election itself and for the agenda of the federal government that Canadians will choose on October 19.

The Business Council identified the following high-level economic policy priorities which we believe the next federal government will need to tackle over the years. Note that our principal focus is on economic policy matters, broadly defined.

Stable and competitive taxes
Credible and realistic budgets
Getting Canadian products and services to market
Building a more innovative and productive economy
Advancing talent and skills
First Nations engagement and economic development

The Business Council of BC appreciates the opportunity to share our perspectives on the economic policy challenges facing the country and the actions that the next federal government needs to take in order to make Canada one of the best jurisdictions in the world in which to invest and do business.

We look forward to the working with the federal government that Canadians elect to office on October 19.