Business Council of British Columbia

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BCBC in 2017: Advancing Ideas and Actions....

This was a dynamic year of transition, uncertainty, and growth against a backdrop of ongoing technological advancements impacting all sectors of the economy. Throughout 2017, BCBC continued to advance fresh ideas and provide timely and exceptional public policy research and advice on issues impacting BC’s competitiveness and ability to create an inclusive and prosperous economy.

In the final days of 2017, we’ve taken a moment to review the 119 publications, submissions to government, opinion editorials and blogs produced by the team at the Business Council of British Columbia. In addition to highlighting our major works, we’ve put together a compilation which revisits our most popular pieces, providing an overview of the breadth, depth and impact of the Council’s work.

....on generating Prosperity


BC2035 is about creating a shared vision of BC’s future and laying down a pathway to realize that vision. It is about initiating conversations, fostering greater collaboration and getting politicians, policy makers, First Nations leaders, and business leaders to think about, prepare for and act on the future.


To build a more prosperous and innovative economy, new businesses have to be created and some existing firms must grow.

CHAMPIONS' TABLE: An innovative ‘meeting place’ between the BC business community and First Nations leadership launches to support economic reconciliation in BC


BC ECONOMIC REVIEW AND OUTLOOK: BC Economy Still Strong....But Downshifts in 2018

The latest BCERO finds the British Columbia economy remains on a healthy growth track, supported by rising exports, substantial increases in consumer spending, and high levels of activity in the housing sector.

BLOG: A Snapshot of BC’s Fastest Growing Industries

We look at the 30 BC industries that have grown most rapidly over the past five years, based on average annual growth in economic output (real GDP) between 2011 and 2016.


BLOG: Dear Mr. President...

With the renegotiation of NAFTA looming, the Business Council pens a letter to President Trump.

POLICY PERSPECTIVES: A Closer Look at BC's Exports

Growing BC export-capable industries is critical to raising real incomes and boosting prosperity in the long term.

POLICY PERSPECTIVES: Ties That Bind: Economic Ties Between BC and Alberta

BC and Alberta have especially strong economic connections and exhibit a high degree of economic interdependence.

....ON what we can DO BETTER

OP-ED: D'Avignon: B.C. is risking its prosperity by turning off investors

One of the biggest challenges we face is a growing reputation as a jurisdiction unable to get things done in a timely and cost-effective way and the lack of certainty we provide to investors and others who deploy capital.

OP-ED: Finlayson & Peacock: B.C. needs to do a better job of attracting high-skill immigrants

Immigrants are an important element of the economic fabric of the province. Without this inflow of people, B.C.’s population would barely be growing. More significantly, growth in the workforce would slow to a crawl, and employers in many industries would find it very difficult to recruit workers.

BLOG: World Energy Outlook 2017

The expanding role of natural gas generally, and LNG specifically, in the global energy mix points to significant opportunities for Canada -- if we can temper our propensity for self-sabotage.


SUMMARY: 2017 BC Political Party Platforms

A summary and comparison of the 2017 platform proposals of the BC Liberal Party, the BC New Democratic Party and the BC Green Party in advance of the provincial election.

HUMAN CAPITAL LAW & POLICY: Governments Focus on Employment and Labour Law Changes

There has been a renewed interest, on the part of the federal and some provincial governments, in employment standards and labour law reform. In part, this reflects greater public concern over inequality, the growth of "precarious" employment, and the impact of technological innovation on the job market.

BLOG: Advice to the New BC Government: Tread Carefully on Business Taxes

As appealing as it may be to advocate higher taxes on companies and entrepreneurs, there are some risks in following this path.


SUBMISSION: Environmental and Regulatory Reviews Discussion Paper

The Business Council's comments on potential reforms being considered to modernize Canada’s environmental and regulatory processes, including a review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, the National Energy Board Act, the Fisheries Act, and the Navigation Protection Act.

We look forward to continually advancing these ideas and more to create a prosperous economy for the benefit of all British Columbians in 2018.