Business Council of British Columbia

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B.C.'s Low Carbon Advantage

B.C.’s Low Carbon Advantage plan builds on the work of the Stronger Tomorrow, Starting Today plan by identifying how we can “build back better” and get our economy into recovery mode by maximizing our export industry’s low carbon advantage globally and here at home.

The international marketplace is increasingly competitive and may become more so as economies around the world try to emerge from the economic crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be a steep climb back.

Along with a return to social normalcy, job creation and growth, there are also discussions about how to “build back better” through a green recovery. But at the same time, the world’s need and demand for natural resources and low carbon energy will continue to increase in order to furnish the things we need for our health, families and quality of life.

Recovery can be done in a way that allows for B.C. to be positioned globally as both a low carbon producer of high quality natural resource and energy products and one that supports job growth, innovation and recovery here at home.

B.C.’s industrial export sector, enabled by our important transportation sector, will be fundamental to our economic recovery. It is a sector that is active in all regions of our province, producing the goods needed for British Columbians as well as markets around the world.