Business Council of British Columbia

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Top 10 Business Council research papers and posts of 2020

During the tumultuous year that has been 2020, the Business Council took a leadership role in providing fact-based analysis and meaningful recommendations on issues important to British Columbians, their economy and communities. BCBC reported widely on the ongoing economic impacts associated with the pandemic and offered policy ideas and insights on a path forward to resiliency and recovery for the benefit of British Columbians. In 2020, our team released over 110 research papers, columns and blog posts on a range of topics including B.C.’s economic performance and recommended actions to drive growth and opportunity, the value of major projects to communities around the province and the ongoing adoption of new technologies and innovations across all sectors, and particularly in our natural resource industries.

Here are our Top 10 for 2020 most widely read publications:

10. BUSINESS ALERT | Three cheers for B.C.'s large capital projects!

9. LNG's Role in Enabling Global Energy Transitions - And What It Means for British Columbia

8. Business destruction and COVID-19

7. Which private sector industries "pay the bills" for British Columbia?

6. A truly alarming outlook for the B.C. job market as employment plummets in March

5. The Long and Winding Road to Recovery

4. Low Carbon Advantage

3. Which industries pay Canada’s bills?

2. Statement: B.C. Business and Community Leaders Take a Stand Against Racism: We Say NO to Hate… It Must Stop Now

And the top post for 2020, as determined by the number of readers:

1. Stronger Tomorrow, Starting Today