Forest Sector Remains a Vital Economic Engine for BC

British Columbia’s forest industry is an integral part of our economy and remains one of the most important economic engines for the province. It generates tens of thousands of jobs directly and supports many more jobs in other sectors that sell goods and services into the different elements of the forest products cluster.


  • The BC forest products sector remains an important source of high paying jobs and is one of the province’s leading economic engines.
  • The relative size of the forest industry has diminished gradually over time, but BC’s forest products cluster is still the largest in North America.
  • Forest products are the number one export category for the province and a key reason why BC’s export base is geographically diverse.
  • Because of the mountain pine beetle, the amount of timber available to harvest is poised to contract, which will lead to consolidation and shrinking in the size of the wood products industry.
  • Far from being a sunset industry, the forest sector is highly innovative and utilizes advanced technology. The BC industry has exceptionally high environmental standards and is sustainably managed.
  • The industry faces rising costs and other competitive challenges. Because of the sizable economic footprint and contributions of the forest products cluster, government must focus on establishing a climate that supports renewed investment in the forest sector.

A Post-Secondary Education Remains the Key Pathway to Higher Incomes


Risk: Perception, Reality and the Policy Process