Statement from the Business Council of B.C. on the Federal Election

October 22, 2019 - The Business Council of British Columbia congratulates all candidates in B.C. and across the country who stood for election and those who were elected in the October 21st general election. In doing so, we extend a special congratulations to Prime Minster Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada on their election victory.

The election reflected some of the anxiety and growing divisions in our country. All the campaigns offered little to address the root causes of this anxiety and instead provided too many commitments focusing on short-term measures, some which may even fuel this division. From our perspective, there was insufficient discourse and attention given to addressing the need to grow the economy and improve prosperity over the medium-term for all Canadians.

Now that the election is over, the Business Council believes it is time to begin having an honest conversation that acknowledges we are losing ground relative to other jurisdictions on key measures of prosperity and progress. Canada requires a focused and practical policy agenda, aimed at improving our performance in the critical areas of productivity, innovation, investment attraction, skills development and the scaling up of businesses. Against the backdrop of heightened uncertainty, escalating trade wars, and a slowing global economy focusing our efforts on growing the economic pie for all Canadians is more important than ever.

The Business Council looks forward to continuing to work with all the federal parties to collectively provide leadership and new ideas that will help make our country more competitive and support the needs and interests of Canadians at the kitchen and the boardroom table.

Putting aside the issues that divide us will be challenging; our collective prosperity depends on leadership from all sectors, regions and parties that finds common ground, unites Canadians, and reinforces the traditions and benefits of cooperative federalism.

- Greg D’Avignon, President and CEO, Business Council of British Columbia


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